Saturday, 23 February 2008

random blossom


I don't have any pictures today, so have a photo of a random blossom I took in Spring.

Life has been a bit 'arrrggggh' lately. I have so much to do and find myself re-prioritising every five mintues.

I'm still obsessed with making cupcakes, though I've realised I have to find people to give them to BEFORE I make them. Otherwise I end up taking truckloads of cupcakes into work and pissing off all the people on weight watchers!

Speaking of WW, I have started going to the actual meetings. I probably won't stick at the meetings - but it is a good start to get me motivated. (I'm too stingy to pay forever.. and I am more than a wee way from my goal weight when it will be free!) We'll see how it goes.


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