Sunday, 26 August 2007

bento boxes!!

First of all; a picture of the Green Elephant Cake we made for Angela:

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It didn't turn out the best - but we are learning all the time! We had a great day at D's folk's house. As usual, we played lots of games and ate far to much food! Today the card game of choice was memory, which is good game when Abby (D's niece) is there too.

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I haven't done any of the tidying/cleaning I promised myself I would do this weekend so its going to be busy busy in the days leading up to our BIG DAY... (God, I am so excited and so NERVOUS!). Mum + G are coming to stay for a few nights so we need to make room to fit them in. Only 12 days til D and I are married! I booked the hotel today using my new last name - god it felt weird - but very exciting. I noticed D had a huge grin on his face when he heard me using it. How cute is that?

Today, while doing my usual blog reading procrastination I found/remembered BENTO BOXES! Bento boxes are basically a Japanese concept of lunchboxes. Mums in Japan go hard out to make flash bento boxes for their kids/husbands to take. Anyway there is quite an online culture of bento - lots of tutorials/advice and tips for new bento-ers. I also found several cool bento flickr groups. Best of all, a bento blog! Lunch in a box has heaps of cool ideas/recipes and funky bento ideas. I wish we could get all that cool stuff in NZ!

I think lunch would be far more exciting if we had an amazing bento to open each day. I think I'll keep an eye out for any containers I could use for bento. It would be much cheaper than buying lunch and would hopefully motivate us to spend the time making lunch. And of course - bento is so visually attractive so that makes for great photos for you dear blog!

Here is a beautiful bento made by lilergy (a flickr bento member)

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I've looked at ALOT of bento pics today and I consistently love Lilergy's styles.

I've been neglecting my 101 list lately, with all the getting married plans :P You'll be pleased to know that "get married" is one of the private items on my list, so I will be able to cross that off soon... :D

M *bounce*

1 comment:

sconey said...

oh my goodness your elephant cake is S O C U T E ! i dont think you give yourself enough credit.. but then i know that you are just as perfectionist as me with such things! xoxo