Saturday, 25 August 2007

sooo busy

Wagh. Where has this week/month/year gone?? We have quite a lot on at the moment and it doesn't feel like I am accomplishing much. I need to get the rattie/craft/spare room sorted so we have room when my Mum comes to stay. I can't believe that we are getting married in less than two weeks?!~! I am not stressed at all (in fact I LOVE how not-stressed things are) but I am quite nervous and of course excited!

Today I helped out at a Community Market Day where some of the Guides had some stalls:

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It was good fun - sold some Girl Guide Biscuits (and took a box to sell at work) and there was a hangi. We sold some of the crafty stuff the Guides have made over the last few weeks.

D's brother Graeme and his partner Rochelle are currently pregnant - and are around 32 weeks. R went into premature labour today which is a bit scary. Apparently they managed to stop the labour, but the baby (they think its a girl!) will definitely be premature. Its quite exciting having a new baby in the family - but also quite emotional for D and I as we lost a baby a couple of years ago. I hope all goes well for G + R - we'll be thinking of them lots over the next few weeks.

In other family news... its D's sister Angela's birthday today!!
Happy Birthday Angela !!!
We are baking her a cake - will take photos and post tomorrow.. Anyways I have to go to bed, its been a loong week.


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