Sunday, 4 January 2009

Phoenix city

What a game! Tonight the Phoenix played the Newcastle Jets and we absolutely smashed them 3 - 0. We took our friend's daughter K along (kids free night) and what a good luck charm she turned out to be!

Keeper Glen Moss was an absolute wonder in the first half (we're gonna miss him next season when he joins Melbourne) and we scored our three goals in the second half. Newcastle were, as usual, feisty and rude. Last time we played them - they were awarded two red cards! Read the full story about tonight's game here.

Sadly, I am back to work tomorrow. I've had a week and a half off work (though I've been on call for a bit of that) and I've really enjoyed doing nothing. I don't even feel guilty about the lack of stuff I got done, or the state of our spare room!


I discovered something nifty today - iGoogle! I noticed it on Scone's laptop.. so I came home and designed my own. (I even used the same header as Scone - it is light during the day and dark at night - how cool is that!?!) D tells me that its been around forever and that I am so slooow, but you know what? I don't care - I like nifty things. You can add all kinds of fun to it - I've got: calendar, calculator, WW points calculator, email, 1-day, grab a seat.... the list goes on!

What I also like is this amusing and poignant article by Michael Laws. I have to agree. There is so much doom & gloom around and for what? Wouldn't you rather be happy - we have a lot to be happy about!

I also read today that Wellington is "NZ's top spot for families". If only D and I could actually afford to have kids, I could agree! We're stuck in that space of wanting to have kids sometime in the next wee while (isn't that vague!) but also wanting to buy a house and knowing that our chances of getting both in the near future aren't high. I know that the traditional plan is that you buy a house and then have babies. But with house prices so much higher than they were thirty years ago, is this still the path to follow? I mean, my ovaries won't last forever!

It is two minutes to tomorrow, so I really have to get to bed...


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