Saturday, 27 December 2008

Merry Christmas!


I hope everyone had a fantastic, sunny, and safe Christmas. D and I didn't get up to much, we went to the in-laws' house for a BBQ Christmas lunch. It was a really nice day here in Wellywood, we both got burnt a little. We got a digital photoframe from D's brother (we all buy for 1 person), which was a pretty cool gift I thought. From the awesome Ree, I got my very own Aiko plush rat! I declare it the coolest thing ever. Photos to come!

D and I didn't really do presents this year, we just spent some money on camping stuff so we can go away in February. Speaking of camping, we are thinking we might do a "test" camp this weekend! At the moment we are thinking Lake Ferry. If it works out well, we might go there for our week long camping trip. Its only about one and a half hours from Welly so if I have to go into work I won't have to drive for hours! (More about WHY I would do that later).

Anywho, I'm off to bed. D is watching the football with relish - the outcome could easily affect the Phoenix' position in the league. I'm a little melancholy tonight after a dismal baking failure. I was *trying* to make a delicious treat that I've been wanting to make for aaages and this particular recipe had the added bonus of Sconey being able to eat it (being gluten/wheat/dairy free). I'll give it another go tomorrow I think. I plan to do LOTS of baking and cleaning this week. Trying to make a to-do list, 'cause otherwise the days will just disappear! I've got Monday and Tuesday off work (D is working). I'm working New Years Eve though - start at 2am on the 1/1/09! The joys of end of month processing!

Wait! Didn't I say I was going to bed....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! <3

Nev is keen to go camping near Mount Bruce (he lived there as a kid). If we go late January he can oh so conveniently stop at his favourite orchards on the way home and stock up on nectarines and peaches. ;)