Saturday, 7 July 2007

Our wee fighter...

Last Saturday (30June) we discovered two small tumours on Dora. We booked her in for surgery with vet man on Tuesday (3Jul). She came through the surgery great (it seemed) vet man called us and all was well. Then later on Tuesday, DeeDee became very lethargic and it seemed we would lose her. D and I rushed out to the clinic, where vet man had DeeDee on oxygen and under a heat lamp. It was one of the most heartbreaking things ever. She could barely lift her head and had lost the spark in her eyes. We were going to lose our darling Dora. Vet man said he wasn't giving up and that he would keep her on the oxygen and under the heat lamp for few more hours and see how she went.

Amazingly, she perked up a bit and after vet man spending most of the night at his surgery (which he didn't charge us for at all - amazing, lovely vet that he is) she was off the oxygen by morning and we were allowed to take her home. I have to admit I had nearly lost faith. Today we took her back to vet man and he removed her bandage (which amazingly stayed on!). Dora is back to her normal licky lovely self and I am so grateful to vet man.

here she is this morning, rugged up warm...

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Kaida also had her stitches removed on Tuesday from her facial abscess. Vet man was VERY happy with how well she'd healed and there was no sign of a lump. We took her back today with DeeDee just to show vet man how well she'd really healed. There is no sign of the abscess other than a patch of shaven fur. It is truly incredible how quickly these guys can heal. I think vet man was quite shocked that the wound had actually totally disappeared!

Heres a wee pic of Kaida's healed abscess (believe me, you don't want to see the unhealed pic. And yes, I did have to bribe her! ;p)

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Vet man has been utterly fantastic. If it weren't for him, I am sure we would no longer have our darling DeeDee and he did a fabulous job on Kaida's abscess. And on top of all this, he really kept the cost down. I hate to think how much this would have all cost at our old vet! We really want to do/give him something to show our thanks. We were thinking some home baking and/or some flowers. I am definitely going to make him a rattie thank you card! Let me know if you have any ideas!

Yay for healing ratties!!

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