Sunday, 18 November 2007

tired and burnt

Well two guide camps later, I can cross off item 32 - Go camping and stay in a tent. I am VERY sunburnt (can't understand why - I lathered on the sunblock) and very tired. But we all had a great time! We got a wee bit of rain the first camp weekend, and then this weekend it was gloriously hot (thus the sunburn). I learned lots of new things about camping with Guides and really enjoyed hanging out with the girls.

Life has been a bit chaotic lately with things very busy at work, all the camping preparation and just general busyness. D has a bit of a cold, but managed to play cricket this weekend and go to the Phoenix game. (I was at camp - so D took his brother). The Phoenix drew with Sydney FC - one all. A wee bit of a disappointing finish as it was 1 - nil to us until 92 minutes - when Sydney were a awarded a penalty shot. That said, a draw is better than a loss!!

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We received a package from our favourite online ratty store this weekend also. Full of new hammocks for the crew once we have finished their new cage....(not quite sure when we will have that done...). The Ratclub store has a fantastic range of rat related supplies, including an awesome range of bedding and hammocks. Its fantastic not having to visit a pet store!!

I'm off to spray my burns with after sun stuff and head to bed.. early start tomorrow....


Sunday, 4 November 2007

exciting lithops news & old school games..

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My lithops is growing so quickly!! I was hoping that it would divide in two, but only two replacement leaves appeared. (old leaves die). Maybe next time...

While with the in-laws this weekend, we dragged out the Monopoly board. I haven't played in years and forgot how much I love playing board games. I was the banker so I got to have fun with a big wad of cash. There were the usual heated moments (especially with siblings playing!) and arguments over what was and wasn't a good property deal.

D and I don't own a set, so I am going to keep an eye out at the Garage sales etc...

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pinata cake

This weekend we had the birthday celebrations for D's sister, Sandra. To be honest, I'll be quite glad when this wee spate of birthdays is over! That said, there was a new addition to the October birthday calendar with the arrival of this wee bundle:

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Isn't she cute? She is our 10 day old niece. She was a very big baby, weighing around 10 pounds and she was born with that thick wad of hair!! Congrats to her mummy and daddy.

On with the birthday-ness..

This is the 'pinata' cake that D and I made for Sandra...

The "treasure" cake inside:

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and the pinata shell (chocolate with LOTS of different sized M&Ms)

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and after Sandra had smashed it (as opposed to blowing out her candles):

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It turned out pretty awesome. Very colourful and fun for Sandra to smash up! So here is a belated...
Happy Birthday Sandra!!!