Saturday, 30 June 2007


I've had a lazy day today, reading and browsing awesome crafty sites. Work has been tiring this week...

In other news... D got a new job!! At the same company as me! I didn't assist in his application at all and wasn't sure how I felt about him working at the same company (and in same building!!). But we are in totally different departments and very unlikely to run into each other in the course of business. So I think I can cope :) He doesn't start for a few weeks so he is relishing his freedom. (Its sooo not fair!!!)

Rattie update - Kaida developed a huge cheek abscess literally overnight. She had it removed by vet man on Wednesday and he said it went right down her throat. (icky!!). Kaida now has a stitched open wound that we get to flush out twice daily... (ew..) She is as bright and bouncy as usual so I am sure she is going to be OK. I decided against pictures - you don't really want to see pictures of an open wound do you???

Hiro is still snuffly and I'm at a loss as to what to do. Going to take him to see vet man when Kaida has her stitches out and see what he thinks.

D is watching rugby and apparently staying up to watch the sailing.. I think I might go to bed! I sooo love getting to bed first and being able to stretch out right across the bed....

We are off to Dad's for dinner tomorrow night, he has promised a roast!

Nighty night.

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy

I forgot to wish my dad a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for the 14th. I baked him a scrumptious chocolate cake. Sadly, there was an "accident" on the way to visit Dad. (Cake fell off the carseat = chocolate icing right through car). Sorry Dad! I was tempted to take a picture of the smashed cakey mess, but D scraped it into the bin before I could.


Seriously my bedtime..

here I am!

Long time no blog. Naughty me! I wish I could say it is because I've been off having exciting adventures and no time to blog. But that wouldn't quite be the truth.

Things have been a bit mad around here; D is job-hunting, our kitchen is in the middle of being replaced, we have sneezy ratties, work has been uber busy, its WINTER, and errrm lots of other equally as uninspiring stuff.

We've spent this weekend putting all the stuff back in our kitchen and trying to make everything fit in a space with less cupboards but more drawers. The exasperating thing is that we'll have to take it all out again when the landlord gets round to having the new lino laid. At the moment we have bare floorboards. Lovely.

I have spent a large portion of the weekend relaxing and reading a pile of fiction I borrowed from the library. . I spent a lot of time sitting outside absorbed in books. Though looking at these pictures you wouldn't believe I was all wrapped up in a blanket!!

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One of the books I read this weekend was a young adult's series by Philip Pullman called "His Dark Materials". A friend lent me the first two and I discovered the Newtown library had the third! I figure that if it is cool to read Harry Potter, why not another young adult fantasy? ;)

With D job-hunting, I've been getting the bus to work. It has made me realise two things. Firstly, its REALLY COLD and really dark at 7am.

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I almost expected a frost!!

We've also been watching bits of the 2007 USA National Spelling Bee. One of the children was from New Zealand! Sadly she didn't win, but way to go Kate. D and I had some very wrong guesses to some of the words, the kids were a lot smarter than us!

On the topic of spelling; I've kept up with my Oxford Word of the Day emails, however I have been quite disappointed with the daily words. I guess I was hoping for words I could throw into every day use to make me look smart! lol

noun (pl. generalissimos) the commander of a combined military force consisting of army, navy, and air force units.

I mean "generalissimo" sounds so made up! It sounds like a word S, K and I would have made up and used at high school..."fabulastic" was one of our favourties.

Before I sign off for the evening, here is a picture especially for S. I told you that my lithops had a hole in the middle, before a new lithops formed!

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For some cool lithops pictures see this website :)


Thursday, 7 June 2007

New Zealand's cup?

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(photo: "borrowed" from Stuff - original photo - Reuters)

Well, The NZ Emirates Team have won us the Louis Vuitton Cup!
I think its fantastic - though I must say it is rather false calling them "Team NZ" as it seems there are sooo many NZers in team Alinghi so even if we lose the America's Cup - we still win in a sense. I can't say I have really kept up with the media coverage of the racing (especially when it is on at such a ridiculous hour of morning) but I was pleased to hear "we'd" won the Louis Vuitton.

In other news... I didn't get the job I went for! And you might think I would be upset about that, however I'm not! They basically told me that it was a very tight decision and what made it was the fact that I can't/won't guarantee I'll be around for the next couple of years. Its a developmental role and they can't give it to someone who will quite possibly leave the company in a few months. Which I understand and agree with. To be honest - I was actually relieved! The role really wasn't my ideal role. I need to sit down and have a hard think about how long I'm going to be away from uni and what I want to do with that time...

It was actually a great day at work today. Things are not looking quite so fantastic at D's work... it is looking like he won't have a job as of Monday. He's going to apply for other jobs and hopefully get into something a little more stable and more his thing. :)

All is ok....

Monday, 4 June 2007


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It looks so lovely outside but its freezing! I'm struggling to type! Unfortunately, I have some "homework" to do for work, but I have been tempted by the Impossible quiz (see below) a few times.... I might go for a walk and clear my head and then get stuck into work.

I am making pumpkin soup in the crockpot - it smells LOVELY. D is out playing football again - hoping for their fourth consecutive win! Hopefully the soup will be ready by the time he gets home. :)

Sunday, 3 June 2007

happy birthday marie

It is D's mum's birthday today so went we out to their place for lunch. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIE!!

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I'm still attempting the Impossible Quiz. I've made it to 88 but there was a bomb that went off before I could finish the question.. back to the beginning!

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I'll crack it if it kills me!! :D

I went out for dinner + cocktails with some work buddies last night. We had a really good time. Dinner was at Thai House on Cuba St and then nextdoor to Goodluck for cocktails & sake. I love the atmosphere at Goodluck, I could have easily stayed there all night.

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my "pad thai" dinner

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ambiance at Goodluck

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sake, sake, sake...

It was a great night, and very cool to hang with some work mates who I don't see often. The cocktails at Goodluck are very very good.

D has convinced me to make him chocolate pudding in the crockpot, and is calling from the lounge "its smells good honey, is it ready yet??" I'd better go check.

Happy Long Weekend!


Saturday, 2 June 2007

impossible quiz

I recently got linked to the Impossible quiz. Apparently it is not impossible, but it sure feels like it!!

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One of the easier ones - they seem to get harder as you go on...

Its basically a flash game (a very flash one too.. ;p) with 110 "questions". Some are easy, most are odd and VERY frustrating. I've managed to get to 87 however each time you lose, you have to go back to the start!!

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I think I'll leave it for a while and give it another go when I have time to waste..... Let me know if you manage to crack it!

D and I are both off out tonight.... separately! I'm going out for dinner + cocktails with some work mates and D is going to his football mate's flatwarming . [Oh and they won again this weekend!! They have now won 3 games in a row! I think that means they officially don't suck!!]

Furkids are feeling the cold methinks. We took all 10 of them to the vet last night to see vet man. He seemed a bit overwhelmed, it was cool. We have 3 on meds - Kaida, Wocket & Hiro. I hate it when they are sick. Ando is growing sooo much quicker than Hiro - he makes Hiro seem like a baby still.

While we were at the vet, we saw pictures of a monkey he operated on!! How often do you see a monkey at the vet? Come to think of it, last time we went, there was a hawk who'd just had his wing amputated. It seems, vet man gets some really interesting cases.